Arts, Culture and Healthy Communities in the South Bronx
Hunts Point families dance with BombaYo at Baretto Point Park, Bronx, photo: Tom Oesau
Launched at the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's Center for Health Equity #WhatCreatesHealth? conference in the summer of 2016, NOCD-NY collaborated to connect artist residencies in South Bronx communities through 2017. Students from Hunts Point Alliance for Children opened and closed their school year with performances by BombaYo (pictured), youth at BronxWorks Betances Community Center worked with Educational Video Center to create video PSAs to build awareness around the planning and redesign of St. Mary's Park, and Casita Maria Center for Arts and Education and Claremont Neighborhood Centers partnered with artist Baron Ambrosia to bring the The Bronx is the World's Strongest Borough! pull-ups series to public spaces over the summer.