Creative Collaborations with City Government
photo: Tom Oesau
In March 2019, NOCD-NY partnered with A Blade of Grass to co-host Creative Collaborations with City Government, a peer learning exchange and discussion about the diverse ways arts and cultural groups can intersect with city government, emerging opportunities for collaboration, and best practices for working together. Facilitated by Prerana Reddy and Gonzalo Casals, robust discussion followed words from:
Elizabeth Hamby, Director, Take Care New York, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
Anusha Venkataraman, Senior Advisor, Office of the Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development
Amy Sananman, Senior Strategy Advisor, NYC Mayor’s Office
Jan Cohen-Cruz, Director of Field Research, A Blade of Grass, and evaluator of the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs’ Public Artist in Residency (PAIR) Program
View A Blade of Grass’s reflection of the exchange here!