Chinatown Walking Tour: Culture and Change
Chinatown walking tour, photo c/o MOCA
On December 16, 2012, participants uncovered the history of one of New York City's oldest, most bustling neighborhoods with educator Michael Robison of the Museum of Chinese in America (MOCA). Along the way, guests explored how everyday buildings, public and commercial spaces, and the street life of the neighborhood have changed with the times.
We visited sites like Heinrich Doyer's brewery from the 1700's, the once hip locale of Collect Park Pond, a Chinese eatery that catered to the needs of Chinatown's turn-of-the-century "bachelor society," the oldest existing row house in Manhattan, and much more. Participants witnessed how Chinatown has transformed from its origins as the Native American village of Werpoes Hill in 1600 to one of the fastest growing immigrant communities in New York City. MOCA partnered with NY Chinatown History Project to offer this tour.